PG Solar Greener Ltd is launching an innovative and revolutionary ultra-hybrid double-sided solar panel that produces both electricity and hot water with higher efficiencies without a standard pipe hot water collector and same prices as a standard hot water collector system.

This innovative low-cost solution generates substantial energy, even during extended periods of hot weather when power consumption for air conditioner peaks. This amounts to anywhere from 80% to100% of the electricity consumption and 100% of hot water consumption of any industrial, residential and commercial building. This solution supports hybrid air conditioners and is scalable for either low rise (5-4) story buildings or commercial and residential high rise structures. In recent years, the world has seen a revolution in the field of solar energy activity. The preferences of this source of energy are well known: a free, green and clean source of energy. Solar panels are becoming more common, but often away from places of heavy consumption, due to complex, complicated, and expensive transmission. PG Solar Greener brings ultra-hybrid solar panels to the roofs of all buildings, offices and industrial buildings in cities, through an innovative and revolutionary development that combines two solar technologies: water heating and solar electric power generation. The company has integrated a solar panel that generates electricity on both sides. This is a panel that absorbs the sun directly from the front side into its photovoltaic cells, which convert the suns UV rays into electrical energy. At the same time, the panel generates additional electricity from the rear of the panel from the reflection of light from the ground and the environment (ALBEDO). Additionally,, clear tempered glass is attached to the back of the panel with water circulating in the space between the entire BIFACIAL double-sided panel. This modification allows for heat extraction from the panel and conduction that creates hot water for any application,including all sanitary hot water,radiant hot water heating,irrigation,swimming pool heating,etc.. All systems integrated into the PG Solar Greenergy smart panel are registered as patents. These innovative and patented systems significantly improve energy efficiency and produce larger amounts of electricity and hot water. The increase in total energy production is 280% (600Wp El & 1280Wp thermal) on the same physical footprint as compared to total energy production seen in static PV (FIXED) panels. "It took three years to reach this stage of development, during which time we were supported by Israel’s Ministry of Economy Innovation Authority that invested in us," says Peter Graner, founder, and CEO of PG Solar Greener. "I recognized the problem. The traditional practice of adding single-sided PV solar panels to generate electricity alongside solar panels results in occupying a large area from the roofs and does not justify the cost. The problem with using two separate systems is that the roof space is too small to provide energy for all when the residential, commercial real estate population density is high. Furthermore, the return on investment (ROI) is too long concerning the up front capital expenses - an investment of tens of thousands of dollars which is offset only after 7-8 years. The systems currently on the market miss out on a considerable amount of energy that can be absorbed. The traditional photovoltaic panel systems used lose up to 20% of electricity production due to overheating of the panels due to sustained exposure to sunlight . Our system, on the other hand, maximizes the absorption of solar energies and does not lose electricity when compared to producing electricity from remote fields. Soon power generation in remote fields and roofs will be filled to capacity with electric solar panels, and the only viable choice will be to shift the production to roofs in urban areas, or offices, commercial and industrial areas - where hybrid solar energy is required. Also,with the generation of the hot water and direct connection of the double-sided PV panel is optimized, apart from providing hot water to showers and sinks it can also be utilized in a hybrid air conditioner. This is accomplished with a direct connection to three energy sources and heat pumps for water heating, using hot water to increase efficiency in C.O.P 5.2. This means significant overall savings in electricity costs and a return on investment in the range of between 3-4 years, The following video illustrated this innovative cost-effective solution. What is the patent on PG Solar Greenergy's smart panel? The surface area we require for all of this is significantly smaller than the competition. This provides a very large amount of energy especially in the hot periods when the power consumption of air conditioners is very large amount of available thermal and electrical energy, capable of reaching between 80% to 100% of electricity consumption and over 100% - of hot water consumption, with the addition of hybrid air conditioners when considering a 4-5 story building energy consumption. Through our uniquely patented system, we have prevented the aging and burnout of photovoltaic cells which normally occurs in the following situations: 1. overheating of pv panels, 2. the lack of use of hot water or malfunction of water circulation that causes irreversible damage to the photovoltaic cells that generate electricity. While the existing hot water collectors need to be discarded and replaced after about 10- 15 years, the pgsolar hybrid panel has no metal or plastic pipes so there will be a much greater longevity then competing systems. . We are proud to have developed a product that is several generations ahead of what is currently on the market and the longevity of power generation performance for 30 years is significantly greater and more robust then any competing system currently available. The ultra-smart double-sided panel is much more attractive and significantly cheaper."

Huge savings on electricity and water heating 

Graner is an entrepreneur with decades of experience. As a mechanical engineer, he worked extensively in the field of automation, from which he developed into various projects in Israel and around the world. In recent years he has delved into the field of green energy, having realized that this is where the future lies. Graner's ultra-hybrid double-sided panel is presently being piloted by several leading solar companies. At the same time, the company is looking for additional business partners to expand and to initialize the production, distribution, and installation of this revolutionary product. The company’s vision is that homes, hotels, commercial buildings, and greenhouses will all be covered by these smart panels, providing a cost-effective solution for electricity, radiant water heating, and cooling. To provide a smart and functional hybrid system at an unbeatable price compared to any other hybrid product (PVT) that currently exists in the global marketplace. “Think what such a product means for an office building, for example”, says Graner. “Combining our ultra-hybrid double-sided panel creates an advantage that triples the amount of hybrid energy production so that at all hours of the day the double-sided ultra-hybrid panel absorbs and stores a maximum amount of energy. Electricity production increased by about 45% and also hot water production increased by about 45% compared to competing panels, using the same available roof area or physical footprint."

What about additional implementation challenges? 

Peter Graner has set himself the goal of replacing the traditional roof tiles with a TRIPLE-ENERGY hybrid tile, some of which are transparent. They will provide both rain insulation, as well as thermal insulation benefits. Instead of transferring heat into the house and increasing the power consumption of air conditioners, the hybrid tile absorbs the heat in a double-sided ultra-hybrid solar panel and uses it to reduce power consumption in hybrid air conditioners.

How are you able to succeed in selling such an advanced product at a lower price than the existing limited solutions? 

"Because it is a 2-in-1 system, without a standard pipe hot water collector, the customer buys one system instead of two separate ones, making it a far more effective and cheaper investment. Consider buying a hybrid collector system which is cheaper than a standard solar hot water collector, and one which also also produces free electricity as an additional bonus and value added proposition.”